23 Things That Require Climate Controlled Storage
Climate controlled storage provides a safe storage option for many of your items. Though many see it as a luxury item, climate controlled self storage is actually a necessity for some.
Having access to climate controlled storage isn’t a big issue everywhere. In some climates that are more temperate, the need for this type of storage is less important. However, if you need a long-term storage solution, climate controlled storage will be the best solution for you especially in a climate with drastic temperature changes.
What exactly is climate controlled storage?
Climate controlled storage units are typically indoors and provide a consistent environment for your stored items. When a facility says they have “climate controlled storage”, they are guaranteeing that your unit will be kept within a specific temperature range that will provide the best environment for your things for that season.
Extreme temperatures and humidity can wreak havoc on your items which is why having a climate-control unit can be so beneficial.
These units, also known as temperature-controlled units, are maintained by utilizing heating or cooling systems to maintain the desired temperature inside the storage building. Just as extreme heat and humidity can cause problems for some stored materials, the cold can be harmful as well.

What makes a storage unit climate controlled?
As mentioned above, climate controlled storage units must be kept within a specific temperature range to be considered “climate controlled”. The self storage industry sets a standard for facilities to maintain climate-controlled storage units between 55- and 80-degrees Fahrenheit.
At Shield Storage we make it a priority to maintain the industry standard at every location where climate-controlled storage units are available.
Excessive heat will wreak havoc on your items if they are stored in a traditional storage unit. When the heat becomes too excessive for too long, the heat will warp and ruin your belongings.
Items such as records, photographs, and electronics can be ruined if they are left in the heat for too long. Also, furniture made of wood can also be affected by the heat as wood naturally expands in the heat which can cause warping.
On the other hand, the excessive cold can also be a danger to your things. Did you know furniture shrinks in the cold and can crack with extended exposure?
What’s more, other items can retain water, freeze, crack, and endure lasting damage. Also, the extreme cold can cause damage to stored vehicles, electronics, vinyl records, and other types of media.
In other climates the humidity can cause a lot of problems. Humidity can cause mold, mildew, warping, and other damage to your items. Fabrics, collectibles, wood furniture, photos, and many other items can suffer irreparable damage by extreme, long-lasting humidity.
What is the purpose of having climate control in storage units?
The primary purpose of having climate control in storage units is to provide an environment for your items that will keep them from being damaged. When your unit is climate controlled, you can be sure that there won’t be irreversible damage to your things.
What’s more, climate controlled storage provides a safe environment for items that may be valuable and could lose their value if damaged. From vehicles to collectibles, these things need to be stored properly to maintain their value.
Also, climate controlled storage provides a better storage solution for long-term storage of many different household items. You don’t have to worry about your pictures or books lasting the summer in a storage unit. Climate control ensures they will!
How efficient will climate controlled storage units be?
Climate controlled storage units are very efficient. These units are temperature controlled, not just air cooled. Thus, these units are controlled similarly to how the temperature in your home is controlled.
On the other hand, air cooled storage units are primarily in hotter climates. These units are only cooled when temperatures reach extreme temperatures. Your climate controlled storage unit will maintain a temperature within the required range no matter the temperature outside.
Thus, there isn’t much change in the temperature within your unit which makes these units efficient and effective.
When do you need a climate controlled storage unit?
Some may think that they only need climate controlled storage in extremely hot climates. However, as we discussed above, the cold can damage your items as well. Thus, more people should be utilizing climate controlled storage than you may think.
These types of self storage units should be utilized any time you have an item that is on the list provided below. These items should always be stored in climate controlled storage – especially if they’re going to be in storage for a long period of time.
23 Things That Require Climate Controlled Storage
1. Wood furniture
Wooden furniture can be impacted by extreme hot or cold temperatures. From warping to cracking, your wooden furniture should always be kept in climate controlled.
2. Furniture made of leather
Leather furniture can be impacted by extreme temperatures as well as humidity. You will want to make sure that your leather furniture is stored in a unit that will help it withstand these temperatures.
Also, when storing leather furniture, be sure to be careful about what you put on top of the furniture. If left uncovered, boxes and other items may damage the leather.
3. Metal, wicker, or upholstered furniture and household items
These types of furniture are especially impacted by cold temperatures as well as humidity. However, extreme heat can cause these items to crack. Once damaged, these pieces will be difficult to repair. Thus, you will want to be sure to keep these types of items in a climate controlled storage unit.
4. Other items made of wood
Other items made of wood, such as collectibles and keepsakes, can be damaged just as furniture can be. Over time, even if stored in a bin of some sort, the extreme change in temperature can cause damage. Be sure to put these items in a climate controlled unit when possible, especially for long-term storage.
5. Electronics
Storing electronics can be tricky, but no matter what you need to store all your electronics in a self storage unit that is climate controlled. The heat and cold are known to cause damage to electronics.
Overtime, damage to the screen, plastic, and glue can begin to fail and crack. Also, the metal within the electronics can also corrode in the high humidity. Lastly, the batteries inside these components drain faster and charge less effectively when stored in high heat or extremely cold conditions.
6. Media such as (DVDs, videos, vinyl records, etc.)
When exposed to extreme elements for long periods of time, your CDs, records, and other media are likely to crack and break. These items need to be stored at consistent temperatures if you plan to use them after storage.
7. Artwork
Many people don’t realize that extreme temperatures, especially the heat, will damage your artwork. This is especially true for oil paintings. If you have precious artwork that needs to be stored, it must be stored in a climate controlled unit to keep it safe and in good condition.
8. Clothing
Clothing should be stored in a climate controlled storage unit because the heat, humidity, and even the moisture from the cold can damage your items. What’s more, some clothing can absorb moister and cause mildew or mold to grow which will certainly ruin your items. Storing your clothes in a climate controlled unit will ensure your clothing isn’t damaged by the head, cold, or moisture.
9. Fabrics
We split fabrics and clothing into two separate categories because we want to ensure that you understand that all fabric can have an adverse reaction to extreme conditions. Tablecloths, bedding, and other linens can be damaged just as much by not being stored properly.
10. Important documents
Documentation, especially for businesses, is important to keep for extended periods of time. However, this can cause a storage nightmare in your office or workspace. Thus, having a self storage unit to store your documents can be very helpful. Although if you are going to store these items in a storage unit, you will want to be sure to choose a climate controlled unit so that the documents don’t fade from the heat or absorb the moisture causing them to mold over time.
11. Photographs
Many of us keep photographs to hold onto the memories they capture. However, if they aren’t stored properly, the images will fade, and your memories will be lost. To keep this from happening, you will want to be sure that your photographs are stored properly, in a climate controlled environment, to keep them as safe as possible.
12. Musical instruments
Musical instruments can be tricky to store. Even if you store them at home, you should keep them stored away from walls and windows to decrease the impact of temperature change. Thus, when you store them in a storage unit, it is going to be best to store them in a climate controlled unit. What’s more, you should also make sure they are in a case and, if necessary, you may also want to wrap that case in a plastic back to eliminate as much moisture as possible from getting in.
13. Wine
If you are a wine collector, you know how much temperature can impact wine over time. Wine cannot be stored at extreme temperatures and humidity can impact it as well. Thus, if you are storing wine at a storage facility, such as Millbrae Station Self Storage, you will want to make sure you store it in a climate controlled storage unit.
14. Antiques
Storing antiques can be tricky at times. However, this doesn’t always have to be the truth. Antiques can tarnish, rust, crack, brake and warp if they aren’t stored properly. It all depends on what materials your antiques are made from. Take the guess work out of it all and store your antiques in a climate controlled storage unit.
15. Collectibles (stamps, coins, comic books, etc.)
If you have collectibles, such as a stamp collection, you will want to be sure to store it properly. Climate controlled storage will provide the best storage solution for items like these. Humidity and heat can cause severe damage to your collectibles, so always take care when choosing how to store them.
16. Books
You will run into the same issue with moisture when storing books. To avoid this, store your books in a bin that can seal well and place them in a climate controlled storage unit.
17. Old magazines or newspapers
Also, it is important to remember that magazines and newspapers need to be stored properly as well. Typically, these items are kept and stored for sentimental purposes. Maybe there was a story about a loved one in the newspaper. Or, your favorite team won a championship, and you kept every magazine that came out with your favorite players on the cover. When storing these items, make sure they are placed in a sealed plastic bag, put into a storage container, and when possible, kept in a climate controlled storage unit.
18. Medical supplies and medications
Extreme temperatures can cause damage to these items just like the others listed. Medical supplies can become dried out, can break, and much more. If you have questions about any items in this category, you will want to consult your doctor or the manufacturer for specific instructions.
19. Makeup and toiletries
That’s right. Makeup, and other toiletries, will be damaged if you don’t store them properly. If you aren’t careful, keeping these items in a traditional storage unit for too long will damage them.
20. Household appliances
As you may expect, stored appliances will react to extreme temperatures and humidity much like electronics. Due to the amount of metal in appliances, however, rust can also be an issue in areas with high humidity. Rule of thumb, always store these items in a climate controlled unit.
21. Sports equipment
Storing pads, cleats, balls, and other equipment for too long in non-controlled environments can lead to cracking and breaking. If you plan to store your sports equipment for a long time, you need to find a climate controlled storage unit to keep it safe. This will save you time and money in the long run for sure!
22. Bicycles with leather seats
Just like with leather furniture, these items can dry out, crack, and obtain other damage from the heat and humidity. Keep any bikes with leather seats in climate controlled storage to prevent damage.
23. Vehicles
From snow to hail to the heat of the sun, your vehicle can sustain damage. The heat and sun can impact the paint while other extreme temperatures can impact the engine, pumps, battery and more. If you plan to store your vehicle for an extended period, find a storage facility with indoor storage that will fit your vehicle, and when possible, a climate controlled unit that will ensure everything stays in working order.
Is it worth getting a climate controlled storage unit?
Yes, climate controlled storage is worth the cost when you consider the cost you could incur if you don’t use the proper type of storage for your items.
Though climate controlled units do tend to cost more, they certainly can save you a lot of money in the long run. If you consider what you are storing, you can weigh the cost and benefit.
If losing those items to mold, rust, and other damage would be devastating, then is the cost really that important?
Where to find a Climate Controlled Storage Facility?
You can find climate controlled storage at many of our storage facilities. Look at the locations below to find a storage facility nearby that offers climate controlled units.
Millbrae Station Self Storage – Millbrae, CA
Advanced Mini Storage II – Stockton, CA
Shield Storage – Kansas City, MO
Storage Boxx – Las Vegas, NV
Southern Highlands Self Storage – Las Vegas, NV
Shield Storage – Las Vegas, NV
Shield Storage (4430 Simmons St.) – North Las Vegas, NV
Shield Storage (4680 W Craig Rd.) – North Las Vegas, NV
About Space – Spokane, WA
Shield Storage – Vancouver, WA