Move like the Pros! Moving into Your Storage Unit in the Rain

In Vancouver, WA it rains… a lot. You shouldn’t have to worry about moving into your storage unit in bad weather. Move like the pros and don’t let the weather keep you from a successful move.


Rain or shine.


Snow or warm weather.


It shouldn’t matter on moving day.


Like it or not, however, moving in the rain or with inclement weather can present some challenges. This is especially true in areas such as Vancouver, WA where the weather is often wet and rainy.


To help you prepare for moving in the rain, we’ve compiled some of the most important things you need to be ready to go. Following these recommendations will give you the confidence you need to ensure you can move in bad weather like any pro!


Protect your belongings for inclement weather.

Protect your belongings for inclement weather.


When you know that rain is coming, it is important to get your belongings prepared before you head out to the truck. It’s difficult to believe, but cardboard is more durable than you expect. So, be sure you pack your items and make sure they are secure and that your boxes are closed.


The items you need to be the most concerned about are items you planned to leave loose such as furniture or clothing. These items won’t survive the rain or other inclement weather unless you are able to get them wrapped up and protected.


To do this, you can use boxes or backs that can be completely closed, like these, to move your clothing. These can be a life saver for your move!


As far as your furniture is concerned, you should first make sure you get the moving truck as close to the house as possible. Then, cover your furniture with furniture pads and wrap them well with plastic wrap to keep them dry as you move your items.


Expect that you will need more furniture pads and plastic wrap than you would during a typical move.


Pack as if you expect it to rain or snow in the Vancouver, WA area.

In places where it tends to be wet on more days than it’s not, you can prepare by packing your items ahead of time as if it will rain. This means that as you are packing boxes or bins to head to storage, make sure they can all close.


Make sure your boxes can be sealed and that your items are secure. This means you need to be diligent as you pack the items that are heading to your storage unit.


It is also important to make sure that you can get your items into your storage unit and stacked appropriately. When you prepare your items to be moved in bad weather, you will also be prepared to have your items stored well also.

Moving in the rain Vancouver

Prep your space when moving into your storage unit in the rain.


When moving in the rain, or if you expect to be, it’s as important to prepare your space as it is to prepare your belongings. When moving your things into a self storage unit, this could mean many different things depending on where your unit is located.


First, prep the space your items are in. This is probably your home or another facility.


Make sure you have something on the floors to prevent anyone from slipping. Also, having your items organized will allow them to be moved quickly without much interference. Keep in mind that you don’t want anyone standing in the rain with items as you wait for them to be loaded.


Try to have everything organized in the way you want it to go in the truck.


Next, you want to prep the space you’re moving into. If this is an indoor storage unit, you will want to make sure you are familiar with the facility. Find out where their carts are located and which floor you’ll be on. Also, have towels if necessary to help keep everyone’s feet dry.


Slippery when wet! Use makeshift mats to keep your feet as dry as possible.


Speaking of wet floors, they are the biggest risk for injury when moving in the rain. You want to be careful and be sure to keep the floors as dry as possible while moving. Be sure to plan ahead and have plenty of items available to make makeshift mats when necessary.


You can use extra cardboard or towels as makeshift mats. Also, you could enlist one of your younger helpers to wipe up the floor from time to time. It’s important to keep your surfaces as dry as possible when it is wet outside.

Find a self storage location in Vancouver with drive-up storage!

Find a self storage location in Vancouver with drive-up storage!

One of the best-case scenarios when moving in the rain is to have a drive-up storage unit. This will allow you the ability to pull the truck right up to the storage unit for unloading.


Our Shield Storage facility in Vancouver offers drive-up storage for this purpose and many others! Drive-up storage offers a lot of convenience on moving day. It also makes it convenient any other time you need to get into your storage unit.


To learn more about our Vancouver Shield Storage location, or any of our other locations in the pacific northwest, visit our website today!

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